(November 2018)
The Association called “U.I.C.D.” Unione Italiana Casting Directors has been constituted with its head office in Rome in Via Cernuschi, 3 (c/o Kamuk).
The transfer of the registered office does not entail a change to the by-laws.
The duration of the Association is intended to be indefinite. The Association elected by majority vote a Board consisting of: a Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson, seven Board members, a Treasurer, and a Secretary appointed in rotation.
The Association’s activities are non-profit making, non-partisan and respectful of everyone’s beliefs.
The U.I.C.D. is an association of film, television and advertising casting directors and assistants.
The term ‘casting’ refers to the task of searching and selecting for a film, television or advertising production the most suitable performers for the roles in the script.
The Casting Director taken on by the production company, after reading and analysing the script and exchanging views with the director and/or producer, consults artistic agencies, activates any unconventional search channels and, if requested, carries out auditions for the part in the presence or otherwise of the director, in order to provide the latter and the production with a shortlist of actors for each role.
The Casting Director, in conjunction with the director and producer, is involved in the final choices leading to the casting of the project. In some cases and if so contractually agreed, the Casting Director also negotiates and drafts pre-contracts (deal memos) on behalf of the production company.
The Casting Director needs to be familiar with the training path and CVs of a very large number of actors, even those who are less well known: this is why he/she has to have continuous direct contact with the actors themselves and with acting schools, theatres and all Italian actors’ agencies. He/she must also be able to assess the cost and market value of each of them and know all their interpretative qualities in order to be able to propose them for the appropriate role but also, sometimes, in a new guise and as part of a harmonious and balanced cast.
The aims of the Association are:
1) to encourage and support the presence of the Casting Director in the entertainment industry;
2) the development, qualification and upholding of the principles underpinning the profession;
3) to promote the inclusion of the Association, and therefore the representation of its Members, in all those public and private bodies whose activities and aims are pertinent to the activities and aims of the Association;
4) to obtain an award for the category in Italy, at the official ceremonies: David di Donatello, Venice International Film Festival, Rome Film Festival, etc.
5) to promote the participation of the category in festival juries;
6) to contribute to the free exchange of ideas among Members, and to the formation of all those initiatives aimed at fostering the cultural growth of Members and of the public in general; 7) to study and draw up standard contractual models to be shared with all Members;
8) to establish and adhere at least to minimum union standards;
9) to encourage and regulate, with the production companies: the recruitment of Casting Assistants, the identification of suitable working locations, available technical means, insurance for the workplace and the technical means used;
10) to promote cultural and professional information exchanges domestically and with other countries. 11) to organise events, seminars, audiovisual productions and meetings to promote and disseminate the Association’s activities. To this end, it may make use of donations and grants from third parties. Any operating surplus will never be distributable, directly or indirectly, among the Members and must be reinvested for activities related to the corporate purpose.
All Members are required to pay an annual membership fee. The number of Members is unlimited. All Members have equal rights and duties. Members are divided into Casting Director Members and Casting Assistant Members. All Members are obliged to contribute to the achievement of the Association’s aims, each to the extent of his/her time and capacity.
The exclusion of a Member may be envisaged in cases where: said Member fails to comply with the provisions of these By-Laws and/or the regulations, or with any resolutions legally adopted by the General Meeting of Members. Membership may be lost in the following circumstances: due to resignation or unworthiness, which shall be decided by the Management Committee after discussion at the General Meeting of Members.
All Members must exercise their profession with dignity, conscience, integrity and humanity. The U.I.C.D. does not wish to enter into the merits of how a member conducts his/her work, unless such behaviour should reflect badly on the profession and/or the U.I.C.D. as a whole. Finally, all Members undertake not to compete unfairly with their colleagues or fellow members.
Whenever a Member in their dealings with a colleague or production company suffers treatment which is deemed unsuitable, detrimental to the profession or unfair, he/she may receive advice and help from all other Members by applying to the Management Committee.
The Casting Director and Casting Assistants must have an appropriate attitude in dealings with actors, respecting their professionalism and not placing them under any kind of pressure.
No Member of the Association shall ever receive money or gifts from actors or agencies. A proven breach of this obligation shall result in their immediate expulsion from the Association.
Members of the Association shall be obliged to comply with the minimum rates agreed by the Association.
The General Meeting is made up of the Casting Director Members and Casting Assistant Members of the U.I.C.D. The General Meeting of Members is chaired by the Chairperson who shall sign the minutes of the meeting.
All resolutions of the General Meeting are valid if passed by a majority of those present. In the event of a tie, the vote of the person chairing the meeting shall prevail. Voting shall be by open ballot. They shall be by secret ballot if at least one-third of the General Meeting so requests.
All Casting Director Members and Casting Assistant Members are entitled to attend the meeting and exercise their voting rights.
Amendments to the By-Laws require the presence of at least three-quarters of the members and the favourable vote of a majority of these.
The rotating Secretary shall draw up minutes of the meeting which shall be sent by e-mail to all Casting Director Members and Casting Assistant Members.
The General Meeting appoints from among its members a Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson, seven Board members, a Treasurer, and a Secretary appointed in rotation. The duration of each office is two years for a maximum of three terms. The Chairperson shall nevertheless remain in office until the new Chairperson takes office.
No remuneration is due to the members of the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall assess and as a result accept or reject the application for membership.
The Management Committee meets as often as the Chairperson deems it necessary or the majority of its members request it, and in any case at least twice a year to decide on the final balance, the budget and the amount of the membership fee. The Management Committee is chaired by the Chairperson, in his/her absence by the Deputy Chairperson, and in the absence of both by one of the more senior directors present.
Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be recorded in a special book and signed by the Chairperson and the Secretary.
The Management Committee is vested with the broadest powers for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Association, without limitation. It appoints the Members, sets the amount of the membership fees, draws up the budget and final accounts and presents them to the General Meeting. The Management Committee is obliged to keep the General Assembly of Members informed and consulted on all instances and initiatives that are dealt with on behalf of the U.I.C.D.
At least three-quarters of the Members must vote in favour of the dissolution of the Association and the devolution of its assets.